Wednesday, 21 October 2015

The Dangers of Burning Trash

The Dangers of Burning Trash

               Hey, how are you guys today? Hope that you guys have a great day.
In our previous topic, I had been talking about river pollution and it’s solution. Today I would like to talk about burning trash. Let me ask what kind of pollution that burning trash can produce? Yes, it is air pollution. Open burning is one of the main causes of air pollution.

There are many ways to dispose of waste, whether burning trash is the only way or the best option we have? Incineration can lead detrimental to flora and fauna as well as to adversely affect human health.

People in Malaysia nowadays should know the disadvantages and the effects of burning trash. This is because they have given enlightenment on the disandvatages of burning garbage on television, radio and newspapers. Open burning adversely affect people with respiratory problems, children and the elderly. It can cause headaches, coughing, shortness of breath and asthma. In addition, the incinerator can deplete the ozone layer resulted in the weather gets hot, acid rain and haze.
The impact of open burning:
1.      Environmental condition become hazy
2.      Health disorders
3.      Distruption in daily life activity
4.      Destruction of property

Benefits landfill properly:
1. To make the environment more beautiful and comfortable
2. Blocking the spread of disease
3. Save space by compacting the waste
4. Reducing the risk of contamination
Measures to cope:
1. Law enforcement
2. The ban on open burning
3. Recycling

Friday, 9 October 2015

River We Care

River Pollution And Its Solutions


Hello everyone, hope you have a great day today.
Before I begin with today topic, I would like you to spend some time in this moment to read this article as we going to share SOME informative knowledge to you. Let's start in today topic which is the effect of river pollution and the solution of it. In your thoughts, what  are the kinds of pollution which degrade our river, and what can we as a human of earth do to preserve the nature of the river.Seems that almost every day there is another story about pollution of one form or another, in the food we eat, the water we drink and the air we breathe. Very often our own actions lead to that pollution and in many cases we can do something about it. Here are some snap peek of our river today

Rubbish strewn along the riverbanks of Sungai Penchala (Penchala River), Selangor

Polluted Jeriau River in Fraser's Hill, Pahang

Actually, If we look at the big picture, the way we use and manage rivers can cause great environmental damage that adversely affects the very resource that we depend on for our well-being and survival. Undeniably, most threats to rivers are the direct result of our own activities.So, here are the actual meaning of what is river pollution.

River Pollution
Pollution is one the largest threats to our rivers. The reduction in river water quality is a clear indicator of the decline in the environmental health of a river basin.

The sources of pollution come from domestic and industrial sewerage, effluents from livestock farms, manufacturing and agro-based industries, suspended solids from mining, housing and road construction, logging and clearing of forest and heavy metals from factories.

How To Protect our River

1. Reduce
Use less. You don’t have to use everything that’s given to you. At coffee shops, return unused tissues – you'll be saving a tree. When packing food, bring your own containers. Food stalls and restaurant operators usually use polystyrene clamshells, but these aren't biodegradable. When you go shopping or go to the market, bring your own basket or reusable bag instead of using plastic bags.

2. Reuse
Instead of throwing things away, think about whether they can be used for other purposes. A great way to reuse items is to get your kids into craft work, by making things out of what you would usually toss out. A tin can become a pencil holder with a bit of colour, while cards and paper can be made into photo frames.

3. Recycle
Separate your waste. Newspapers, magazines, plastics, glass, metals and aluminium can be recycled. Don’t let them go to waste and help save space in landfills.

4. Rethink
Don’t take items just because they’re free. And think before you buy. Do you really need it? Are you really going to use it? Does it serve any purpose? If the answer is no, decline the item and save it from ending up in the bin.

5. Compost
Don’t let your organic waste stink up your rubbish. Keep your fruit and vegetable peels dry, and bury them in the soil or in a flower pot. You’ll help to reduce up to 40% of all waste that ends up in landfills.

6. Close The Loop
Recycle and buy back recycled items.

In a nutshell, the key to save our river environment are responsible and “think before we did it”. Thank you..

Wednesday, 7 October 2015


Hello everyone!
We're from Group 4, pleased to meet you all ~
Remember to stay tune for our new updates,okay! Thank you :)